Friday, April 13, 2018

Valuable BOE Recipes = FFA?

With the return of Classic WoW, a topic that keeps popping up is the value of certain BoE recipes & how you should go for them so you can pay for your epic mount.Recipes like Lionheart Helm, Flask of the Titans etc. The general consensus seems to be that if one of these drops, its a free for all. Basically every youtuber that has touched on this subject agrees on this subject. Doesn't matter if there is an armorsmith in your group that needs it, doesn't matter if there is an alchemist in your group that needs it etc, everyone rolls.Can someone explain why this is a thing? If a player in the group needs that recipe, is specialized in that profession why would they not have priority? If you doubt them, when learning a recipe it makes a special animation. You can literally watch them learn it on the spot. If you still doubt them, have them craft something for you to prove they are what they say they are. If not blacklist them.Meanwhile, if a BoP rare recipe drops no one cares. The specialized player gets the item no questions asked. Since BoE items can be sold however, it immediately becomes fair game for everyone. Can anyone explain this double standard?"Reserve it before the run." Problem with that being its become commonplace for players to start groups, reserve items for professions they don't even have with the sole intent of selling said recipes if they drop."Start your own group." Yeah that is one solution, or perhaps we could come together as a community & try to be sensible. via /r/classicwow

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