This is an early access crafting system so there will be some changes in the future as the game being updated. Crafting system is available through Heidrun NPC. The location of this NPC is varying for each town. Players can craft, upgrade, and add socket with specific recipes through the crafting system.The recipes can be found on Heretic Gods Official Forum TutorialsGemstonePlayers can craft and upgrade gems by combining three gemstones of same type and quality with Heidrun NPC.Recipe: 3 gems of same type and quality = 1 gem with higher qualityPlayers will also receive random gem if it combines with different type and quality. Keep in mind that the Heidrun’s inventory will always take the largest item quantity in the crafting process.Example: 2 Cracked Ruby + 1 Good = CrackedThere are 8 types of gemstone available at the moment. Amber, Amethyst, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, and Shrink HeadsTierQuality1Cracked2Scratched3Good4Polished5PerfectYou can also find the gemstones information in the following links below:Heretic Gods Community Subreddit Gem TableHeretic Gods Official Forum Gem TableSocketPlayers can use Heidrun NPC to add socket for normal, magic, set, and unique equipment. Ranking from low quality up to superior.TypeRecipeEffectMaximum SocketRecipe for upgrading white items and adding socketsAny equipment quality + any gemUpgrade the current equipment quality to a higher one. Automatically received the sockets based on the gems quality. Keep in mind that superior quality item will received a prefix. Check the gem quality table below2-6Recipe for adding sockets to magic items1-4 Perfect Shrink Heads + Magic Item + Set item of the same typeAdd sockets to magic item4Recipe for adding sockets to rare items3x Perfect Shrink Heads + Rare item + Unique item of the same typeAdd socket to rare item1Recipe for adding sockets to unique items is unavailable at the moment.N/AN/A1Recipe for adding sockets to set items is unavailable at the moment.N/AN/A1Recipe to remove socket-items3x Perfect Shrink Heads + Socket-itemRemove gem from the equipment. Completely destroyed all the items and received the base itemN/AGem quality also effect the number of sockets as wellGem QualitySocketCracked2Scratched3Good4Polished5Perfect6RunePlayers can upgrade rune by combining three runestones of same type and quality with Heidrun NPC. This system is different than the gem system. Players will not receive random runes upon crafting 3 random runes.Heretic Gods Rune List (6/11/2018)Heretic Gods Rune Table (6/11/2018)TypeRecipeEffectRecipe to upgrade rune3x runes of the same type and qualityUpgraded rune to higher qualityRecipe to remove rune from socket-item3x Gebo + Socketed ItemRemove runes from equipment. Players will received the highest rune. The rest will be destroyed. Included the equipment.Heidrun’s Special CraftingThe special crafting allows players to manually craft their wish-list items, reroll items, and control the item level/quality of the crafted item. This system also applies to the following crafting rules 101 below:Crafting Rules 101RuleDescriptionItem-levelThis rule apply to item's base, graphic, and tier. Players will need to apply other rules in order to craft a specific item-level. For example: Short Warbow = ilvl 48.Required-LevelThis rule apply to the crafted item. Please refer to Item Attribute rule.Average Formula(Sum of the items level) / (Number of items). This is very important for the Heidrun’s Special crafting. It allows players to control the item level that they wish to craft.Item qualityPlayers can increase/decrease the item quality/tier by adding lower/higher quality items such as normal, magic, and rare. For instance, 3x Rare War Bow = rerolled War bow with different attributes (highest bonus received), but instead, if the player add 2x Rare War Bow + Normal War Bow, the crafted product will decrease down to longbow version.Item quantityHeidrun’s inventory division system applied to the crafting process. For instance, the chance of crafted item is split among the number of items that is available the in pool. if the players have 1 axe, 1 helmet, and 1 ring in Heidrun’s inventory, they have roughly 33% chance to received axe, helmet, or ring.Item Level ManagementA Special bonus which increase the crafted item level based on item quality. This included set and unique items. Keep in mind that set/unique items will also applied to the average formula so it is best to use high level items.Item AttributeHigh level attributes will increase the required item level through the crafting process. For instance, players need to combine items with high attributes such as 26%+ cooldown to receive level 45 crafted item. Not every crafting processes are 100% guarantee.Crafting BonusSpecial crafting items will be able to receive bonuses based on the red arrow right next to the crafted item. The higher the arrow the better the bonus. Keep in mind that players cannot control the attribute bonus so it is entirely random.Standard Heidrun’s Special Crafting RecipesCombining enough items will upgrade its quality and tier.RecipeEffect3x Normal Quality ItemsSuperior Quality Item6x Normal Quality items1x Blue quality item5x Magic quality items1x Rare quality item3x Rare quality itemsCrafted item will receive maximum bonus attributes (random)Special thanks to /u/Turbomapper and other Heretic Gods Community members for the in-depth information and lecture regarding about the crafting system. via /r/HereticGods https://ift.tt/2lh5p6X
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