This post is long; so here's a visual aid for everything I'm talking about here.Armour values are colour-coded so you can see how the parts break down.Part 1: GauntletsThese would be an additional armour piece covering the arms and "hands" of the player. Aside from providing defence, gauntlets would double as "upgrades" for the players bare hands; increasing damage dealt with punches by a small amount.This adds a third weapon to the game (behind swords and axes), and although it is quite a bit more expensive it could be potentially game-changing in PvP, due to the high swing speed allowing a similar (but lower) DPS output to swords and axes.Gauntlets would also be enchantable; gaining access to the standard armour enchantments as well as a few weapon enchantments (Smite, Fire Aspect, Knockback, etc.) and tool enchantments (Efficiency & Silk Touch).Gauntlets would be crafted with 6 materials, 3 along either side. This places them directly between Leggings and Helmets in terms of cost.Leather Gloves would be unique in that, rather than boosting punching damage, would reduce it to zero. This would allow players the opportunity to hit each other without the risk of killing each other; rather like boxing gloves. They can also be dyed like other leather items.Enemies like Zombies would also spawn with gauntlets (as part of an armour set), making some of them a little more dangerous; although Zombies wearing leather gloves will deal reduced damage (1 on Easy, 2 on Normal, 3 on Hard).Part 2: RebalancingObviously with a new armour piece the distribution of armour points would have to be changed.Leather, Gold and Iron armour sets would provide 1 extra point each,bringing them to 8, 12 and 16 points respectively for a full set. Chain armour sets would gain 2 extra points, bringing them up to 14 points. Diamond armour would remain at 20 points. The points would be distributed across all 5 pieces of armour based on how many resources it takes to craft them.Part 3: Craftable ChainThis is a very common request; but I've actually done the maths on what would be required specifically. Chain armour is slightly weaker than Iron, so it needs to cost less. A full set of Iron Armour (plus Gauntlets) costs 30 ingots.My first consideration was alternating nuggets and ingots in the recipe like so, however that ended up far too cheap, at just over 19 ingots for a set. Instead a chain item is needed, costing 8 nuggets to craft like so, making the cost 240 nuggets, or 26 ingots plus change.The ability to craft chain as a weaker, cheaper version of iron makes it a valid option for players whose resources are limited; but Iron and Chain are similar enough that they can be an aesthetic choice. Since the Helmets, Gauntlets and Leggings of both sets are functionally identical the Chain is actually a better option; those three pieces cost only 16 ingots for Chain compared with 18 for Iron.Thanks for reading! Contributions & criticisms are welcome in the comments. via /r/minecraftsuggestions http://ift.tt/2Dl6Koz
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