Tuesday, March 27, 2018

10 attractive traits assholes have and how to have them without being one

We all know that asshole guys do well with women. Right?! Well not exactly. They do possess many traits that women find attractive and others… not so much. Typically an asshole guy has:Confidence – This is an obvious one but is counterintuitive as a true asshole guy is usually insecure. However, at the very least they will act confident.If you develop true confidence this will actually make you nicer.Bravery – He’s more likely to make the approach. Speak louder. Take risks and in general do things that the nice guy just won’t have the balls to do.You don’t need to be an asshole to be brave and take risks. Push yourself out of your comfort zone!Being fun – Whether it's having fun at someone’s expense, or by breaking the rules this guy is much more likely to be the life of the party than the nice guy.Finding ways to have fun that aren’t at the expense of someone else might not be as easy but are much more endearing.Is interesting – Generally speaking the bad boy of the high school has this trait in abundance. He doesn’t follow the rules or social norms, so no one can guess what he’s going to do. This leaves much more possibility for a mysterious quality.Being interesting isn’t just about being mysterious it’s about having things going in your life.Social Proof – Most asshole guys don’t have this quality, but I put it here because more often then not we associate this with them. Again, this is the high school jock. His social proof usually fades after college and people get smarter.You don’t need to be an asshole to have social proof and if you’re nice it’ll make it easier to have it.Counter Signaling – think of that rude, loud guy at the bar. He acts in ways most people wouldn’t dare and gets away with it. His actions, although mean spirited, can usually get a laugh. Though annoying for the rest of us, it is incredibly attractive because it demonstrates that he must possess such extraordinary qualities that people will overlook his other bad behavior.While it might look impossible to emulate without being an asshole, simply having social proof will give you most of these benefits.Varied emotional rewards – He will text girls when he feels like it and shows interest at seemingly random points in time. Studies have shown that the most addictive video games are those that seemingly give the player rewards at random times. The same principle applies here.Try and vary up your text messages. If you’ve been showing a girl a lot of affection try backing off for a bit and then coming back around. This is partly how you can get a girl addicted to you.Proactivity – As a guy who does not care what other people think of him he can get rejected by dozens of women and still keep going. The nice guy usually gives up after one time. If the asshole approaches 100 women and pisses off all but one who sleeps with him he still ends up higher than the nice guy.Not caring about what other people think is a tough one if you are the nice guy, but if you push yourself you’ll see how doing an approach really isn’t hurting anyone.Romantic fantasy – There is a fantasy that women have surrounding the bad boy asshole guy. They want to change him. The thought of making a guy, who would never settle for anyone, commit to them is enticing to any woman.Have options here. You don’t need to be the bad boy antihero to get her to try and change you. But if it’s clear there are many options for you then this will make her feel just as special you chose her.No neediness – Showing too much interest is never his problem. For a certain kind of girl getting treated poorly and/or abused is a good technique to win them over. However, this is not a good recipe for life.Avoiding the women that assholes usually attract is a GOOD thing. As for not being needy, again having options will usually solve this problem.You don’t need to be an asshole to be attractive but embodying these traits in the right way will make you MORE attractive than the asshole who does.If you found this helpful you might like my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/TheSingleGuy via /r/seduction https://ift.tt/2I9NAQO

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