Saturday, March 31, 2018

[24M]Progress Pics, Injury, More Progress Pics

G’day folks!This post is going to be showing off a bit of progress I’ve made since I started the Recommended Routine back in March of 2016. I also hope that it can help motivate people who’ve been unable to exercise for a while for whatever reason (in my case injury) to get back out there and do what they can, as well as showing what a little dedication can do for people considering the RR. I have been doing the RR with little alteration, aside from doing my dips inverted on a set of rings, doing 10 push ups instead of 8, and adding a minute of forearm planking at the end of warmup.Pictures are here( all selfies are after workout i.e pumped ) *Stats: 24y.o M, 180cm, 64kg*Diet: Not as strict as I could have been, but began meal prepping and snacking more often. I pretty much only ate this one stew and it’s not fantastic, but the recipe is below. LSA (linseed, sunflower and almond) mix was a cheap fantastic way for me to add a couple of hundred calories to my daily intake with little effort, but some people report it really screws with their bowels so watch out for that.Stew ingredients: 1kg Kangaroo mince, 1L pasata, 75ml siracha sauce, 2 cans each of: lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans and corn, 4 carrots, 1 broccoli bunch, 2 chopped chillis, 2 cloves garlic, 4 tbps oilive oil. BMR aprox. 1,500 calories. Aimed for 2000 a day, usually hit 1,700-2000.*Breakfast: 3 wheatbix w/honey, 700ml milk*Snack: 2 peanut butter sandwiches with aprox. 50 grams of LSA mix sprinkled inside*Lunch: 400g serve of stew with rice*Snack: carrots and hummus*Dinner: Stew again, maybe with pasta if you went and bought some*Desert: As much ice-cream as possible my dude Little about me:I was a sporty kid, I used to do a little gymnastics amongst other things and then I was a little too sporty and broke my spine when I was 16 and required a spinal fusion. I couldn’t exercise for quite some time after that. I went through a breakup in early 2017 and decided to start the RR. Bodyweight appealed to be because I was advised against heavy lifting, and the idea of functional strength and a slimmer, toned body always appealed to me over large muscles. In October of 2017 I was being an idiot again and broke my ankle which put me out for 5 months, but I went out today for the first time and hit the bars, and after feeling a little disappointed with the results I looked back over my progress pictures and felt compelled to post here.After I started the RR I experienced quite a number of benefits, including feeling generally more alert and healthy, improving my body image, and feeling more capable and confident in the bedroom. (That’s a big thing friends, the planks pay off trust me). I enjoy the feeling of having control over my muscles, even if I’m just walking around being able to isolate and manipulate my shoulder muscles feels good. Improvements in posture, better sleep, the advantages are endless. It was a beautiful day outside today, so I went out to do the RR for the first time in almost 6 months. I couldn’t complete most of my sets, but I decided to focus on form and do as best I could, and I’m excited to start eating well again, and working towards a goal weight of 75 kilograms. Thanks for reading all this! And thanks for all the support for you lovely people at BWF. It’s my hope that this can comfort and inspire a few people out there.TL;DR: Idiot hurts himself a lot and does RR, keeps going despite loss of progress and gains via /r/bodyweightfitness

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