Hi! I see a lot of mixed bullshit sources on the internet claiming this and that about what helps pass you urine screenings and what doesn't. So for all of you fine people I am going to clear this up with facts and scientific studies done by mostly independently funded sources and such... enjoy!Types of drug tests (This MATTERS!)Yeah, this really matters! Please read this to better your understanding The basics are: - Urine tests for marijuana metabolites - Blood tests for marijuana metabolites AND parent drugs. - Saliva tests for parent drugs. - Hair tests for metabolites.MOST COMMON IS URINECommon Marijuana detox myths... THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT The list below focuses on metabolite/URINE screeningDrinking excessive amounts of waterSummary: If done correctly, yes.Drinking a lot of waters effectiveness in passing Marijuana tests varies a LOT depending on which source you visit. The facts are if you appropriately hydrated, yes it will help. The better statement is dehydrated, your chances of passing will dip down quite a bit. Your body has a natural detoxification process if you aren't well hydrated, your body can't do this process as efficiently as you would like it too :)[Source 1](https://ift.tt/2EwTkma) [Source 2](https://ift.tt/2d1sJmZ) [Source 3](https://ift.tt/2pNvLjE Yes, Niacin will help you pass metabolite screenings.There is a LOT of bullshit going around on niacin and it's effectiveness in helping pass drug tests. In a logical way of analogy, one could compare people who like to tell people niacin doesn't do anything in helping past drug tests to a sheep who believes anything off WeKnowEverything.com. Niacin is a B vitamin that has many uses, and in summary, WILL exponentially decrease your detection period for marijuana in metabolite tests. Niacin creates an increased opening of the small blood vessels, the capillaries, and increased blood flow and increases the speed of your body's detoxification process. There is more science to this, and other reasons niacin WILL help, which will be in the sources below :). There have been multiple studies done on this, including studies by the CDC, WHO THEMSELVES WARNED that clinics should be aware of the use of niacin as a countermeasure in drug tests. [Source 1](https://ift.tt/2GnBX8o) [Source 2](https://ift.tt/2pNvLQG) [Source 3](https://ift.tt/2GkDiN8 Yes, if well hydratedB vitamins, in general, will help your body's detox process a lot, IF WELL HYDRATED. Please, people, keep in nothing you do will matter much if you aren't hydrated. The vast majority of people, including marijuana users, have a deficiency in multiple B vitamins and B vitamins are crucial in your body's detox process. A B complex, if ingested in large amounts, will help detox system and also will make your urine more yellow/Mountain Dew-colored. This is important because many methods of detoxification will make urine very clear, and B complex will make it look normal if TIMED CORRECTLY ( 2 hours or so before the test to make urine yellow, not for detoxification, detox is 3 days for maximum benefit!).[Source 1](https://ift.tt/2pNvMEe) [Source 2](https://ift.tt/2Gjg8GP) [Source 3](https://ift.tt/2pNvP2S juicesSummary: Depends, for the most part, no.Sugary drinks will not help too much... Sugar has been proven in research to slow your metabolism, which will make marijuana MORE present in urine, and SLOW how long marijuana leaves your system. This is not good. And fruit juices, for the most part, do not contain the necessary ratio of the ingredients that you are looking for to pass your test. But this does vary quite a bit depending on what fruit juice, its ingredients, and etc. This is why it is a very important skill to be able to do your own research and not trust websites words. Know how your body works, know how things interact with your body, and research ingredients. Simple skill as well as a skill a lot of people don't have. [Source 1](https://ift.tt/2IeSY4P) [Source 2](https://ift.tt/2pNvQ6W) [Source 3](https://ift.tt/2GkDkoe If you get the right kindRemember all, what will help and what won't help LARGELY depends on ingredients in products. One tea product could help, and one tea couldn't. As I said in the B complex section DO YOUR RESEARCH. Tea that is high in ingrediants that burn your metabolism, or is high in B vitamins, will help you pass your test. But a lot of tea is crap, and will not help you at all and can even make things worse. Do not just google your tea brand and put a blindfold on and type (Effects of metabolism) on the end, look up the ingredients on the list of your tea. The tea I recommend is any tea that is organic, herb-based, and increases blood flow/promotes the circulatory system. [Source 1](https://ift.tt/2hSsY6S) [Source 2](https://ift.tt/2GlmDc4) [Source 3](https://ift.tt/2pNvRb0 (Don't ingest fucking bleach.) Summary: Bleach works great as a detox!!!!Are you kidding me? I COMMON SENSE??? OF COURSE BLEACH WORKS AS A DETOX!!! It will kill you, and once you are resting in peace, your good bacteria will eat all of those toxins in your body in a detox process known as decomposition. You will definitely pass any marijuana tests... The news will report how smart of a kid you were and how intelligent you were (Despite the fact you tried to detox your body with bleach in hopes of passing a drug test) and whoever was testing you will most likely think it's a tragic loss because of the potential lost...Exercise Summary: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSExercise will help you very much. It promotes your blood flow, increases sweating, increases metabolism, and overall is really really good for you. This is something I have no need to go in depth about, or need to prove as a false myth. This is an inaruable fact. Even putting 2 sweatshirts on and steamboxing your bathroom will help a lot in detox!!!Hope you all found this helpful. Be open minded. Don't believe websites or people unless they back up their claimes. Love you all :)P.S: I smoked 3 bowls today, and my probation officer is coming tomorrow!!! I took 1500mg or so of niacin and 4 B vitamin Complex pills. Went on a 2 mile jog, 1.5 mile bikeride, and steamboxed my bathroom. I will pass this no doubt and will report back tomorrow! :) via /r/Drugs https://ift.tt/2pNSAnj
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