Wednesday, March 28, 2018

My baked-munchies idea..

I love to cook when I get baked, so I decided to post one of my "recipes" if thats what you will call it.. I call it the Cereal Burrito Deluxe. Read through first to see if you have everything you need, tell me if you tried it and how it tasted :) First, grab a pan. get about 1/4th stick butter, and go ahead and throw it on the pan. cook at about medium. Now, grab a quesadilla. Drop it in the pan, cook until it looks moderately crispy. A light brown type color. now, go grab some peanut butter, put the quesadilla on a plate, and put peanut butter all across one of the sides of the quesadilla. Next, grab Reese's Pieces. Lay them all across the peanut butter. Now, go ahead and grab some of those chewy caramel candy squares you can get at the dollar store. unwrap about 5-8, cut them all up and lay them across the cereal. now, grab Powdered Sugar, and sprinkle it across the entire quesadilla side. grab a bit of cinnamon, and sprinkle that across. Dont use to too much, or else it can make all the other ingredients tasteless. Now, microwave for 30 seconds, then it will heat up the quesadilla and make the peanut butter turn liquidy, but not super liquidy. just right. then wrap up the quesadilla, and grab another quesadilla, microwave that for 30 seconds, sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on that one, and wrap that one around the previously made one. thanks for reading, please tell me how it turned out if you ended up doing it. I might make a YouTube Tutorial on how to make it, this might have been a little confusing. via /r/weed

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