Sunday, April 1, 2018

Cool Ideas For Future Content

Missions with only epic bosses. Kill x amount in x time to win.Functional buildings in SSD. After SSD 6 in each zone you are able to construct a building in that zones SSD to produce x resource over time that goes straight into SSD storage. A lumberyard for stonewood, a quarry for plankerton, and a Smeltery in Canny Valley. In Twine Peaks can maybe make a warehouse to increase SSD storage or an Ammo Manufacturing Facility. There would be an actual blueprint that you would have to follow to construct these in each zone.Perk Re-Roll system at cost of resources. Can only re roll a single affix or stat. Once you choose only that single stat can be re rolled again. Each roll increases resource cost up to a cap. Works same as affix re rolls on gear in diablo 3.Add Mythic Traps and Weapons. These items are same as legendary version except you can re roll 2 perks / stats / affixes of choice. (I dont think mythic weapons or traps exist)Add special defense missions ( Like repair the shelter, or ride the lightning ) where you have to build a specific defense layout ( a blueprint we must follow ). We get bonus rewards for completing the mission with the layout presented ( could also be used to teach people how to build good defenses, or used to make certain missions even more challenging )Make a new mission or mission difficulty modifier called elemental overload. All husks will be of a random chosen element ( every husk is fire for example).Add X and Y axis rotation of walls and such.Add a Pure Strategy Mission Type. In this mission you cant do any damage with your character. All husks must be killed with traps or defenders. This would offer the best rewards and be the most difficult to be successful in. (No time limit. Just pure strategy)Allow us to build slanted walls on slopes and place stairs or slanted roofs on slopes.Allow wall darts to be placed on slanted roofs, or wall lights.Add tread mill floor trap that pushes enemies in desired direction or keeps enemies walking in place for a set duration.Add a taunting wall trap that taunts zombies to walk in its direction.Add a balloon launching floor trap. Causes flingers or lobbers in line of sight to attack it.Add Fire Wall Darts that cause fire affliction and electric wall darts that have chance to cause stun.Add roller skates. It replaces hoverboard if equipped. It slightly increases mobility but can be used at all times, even while in combat ( increasing mobility when going down inclines)Add outlander with a recycling llama instead of the regular one. It produces resources over time.Add an affliction boost banner effect. Causes enemies in a larger radius around banner to take increased affliction damage.Allow us to re roll personalities on survivors at the cost of resources.Allow us to remove allocated skill points from a skill tree that are passed the required amount to unlock the next tree. (To remove the setback in progression if you chose outlander or constructor but want to switch to soldier or ninja)Add weapon sets. When you have 3 weapons of a set equipped on hotbar (loadout?) Something special happens.Allow us to remove stuff from collection book lowering progress to next level in collection book.Make backpack space nodes on skill tree and research tree deep choices, allowing you to pick one or the other.Make pickaxe stay what ever tier it is upgraded to no matter what zone you are in. As such you could destroy things faster in earlier zones as your pickaxe gets upgraded. Alternatively make this exclusive to the outlander.Allow actual survivors to be obtained from rebuild the shelter missions. Obtained survivor is of random rarity. The higher level the mission the higher the chance to get a higher rarity survivor. Meaning potential to get up to legendary or mythic survivors by simply playing the game outside of events and not having to horde vbucks for people llamas.Stop making reskin heroes. If its literally just a reskin just make it a cosmetic option for the original hero so people dont have to level up multiples of the same hero just for a different look.Buff collection book rewards. Theres little incentive to level the book at all, especially after level 50. Considering you lose the recipes of what you store in book, the rewards should be better. Especially when you need to start wasting xp to level it further. via /r/FORTnITE

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