Monday, April 23, 2018

Curious about an experimental stack

So I am curious if anyone has tried to capsulize a stack that includes therapeutic amounts of cannabis, phenibut, l-theanine, caffeine, turmeric (with pepper), magnesium, and kratom.Ideally, the stack would be formulated so that taking the difference between one capsule to another would not have adverse effects due to any one substance.Add/remove anything from this? Advice for proper measuring different substances into a more or less consistent capsule?This is just a wild thought of mine so any input as to whether I might be on a good track or not is greatly appreciated.Also, I am well aware that personal chemistry can yield vastly different results which is why I am wondering about the best way to understand how to make this a standardized method for each capsule. I.E. take one capsule and know you are 100% safe and taper UP from there safely with each capsule. I am also aware that the ratio for each substance can have a drastic effect as well so I am looking for positive input and not people needlessly poking holes in what I already understand is a HIGHLY variable situation.I'd LOVE to hear your input especially from those who have attempted something similar.EDIT: I know people will ask what my intended result is so.....for people that deal with anxiety, depression, and pain. I would like to formulate something that helps with those things. That being said and knowing there is a large overlap and also that in and of themselves each is an issue which experienced with the absence of the others needs to be handled differently (there is no silver bullet for "I want to feel good") is there a middle way and if not where should the formulations diverge? I feel like there could be multiple recipes and dosages depending on circumstances. I am almost certainly NOT the first person to think of this so just maybe collectively we can figure something out that can be replicated to help a large number of people. Or I am just a dumb novice with no idea what I am doing. lol via /r/StackAdvice

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