Sunday, April 1, 2018

How do I go from cooking a single entree a week and then eating fast/frozen food for the rest, to actually planning out and making *meals?*

I'd like to consider myself a decent cook - I can definitely follow instructions and not burn everything I put on the pan, etc etc.The problem is that I'm absolutely terrible at planning what meals I'm going to eat for the week. I know my mom would make a whole list of planned out things - we're going to have x on this day, y on this day, then leftovers for dinner the next day, and a list like that. It sounds easy on paper, yeah, but...I don't know. I just can't seem to plan things out like that. It feels like such a waste of time doing it for just myself, if I can even go to the grocery store in the first place.Another part of the problem are that a lot of 'traditional' (I guess) recipes are for 4-6 people. I'm (effectively) living my myself, and I hate wasting food. So I get caught in a loop of 'oh I don't want to go to the store until I know what I'm going to be making for the week' and I can never figure out what I actually want to make.I'm probably not describing this well at all, but does anyone have any advice for planning out meals, or cheap recipes that are good for a single person/freeze well? I guess starting something like what goes down at /r/mealprepsunday would be nice, but I have no idea where to start. via /r/cookingforbeginners

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