Sunday, April 1, 2018

Squid Ink v1.1.3

Squid Ink v1.1.3Easter EventInk OrdersMixing SkillMixing Skill TreeNew SquidsNew inks and mixesNew MonumentsNew AbilitiesNew Artifacts and Artifact setsNew Artifact set effectsNew AchievementsMajor balance changesEarned achievements now give a small bonus visible by hovering over the achievementReseting recipe levels no longer costs PearlsThere is now a window that opens at the beginning of the game that shows game newsChests are now unlocked at Business Level 51Chest boosting is now automatic and based off of your highest recipe you've had enough Shells for and the highest quality the recipe could have been upgraded toThere is a Chest optimiser that can be turned on in the settingsThe achievement gained panel has been visually updatedMixers now determine if Volcano will be activated after each mix to stop save scummingThere is now an effect visible on mixers when Volcano activates on themThe Ship in a Bottle monument now shows the first three chests in the bottleYou can now see and expel specific Chests from the Ship in a BottleYou can now hide event aestheticsThe new artifact window now requires a specific button to close the windowThere is a setting to allow any click to close the artifact windowClicking anywhere now closes the Oyster pop-upBoth the left and right control/shift now work for recipe levelingFixed a bug awarding Lumens if the game is loaded on a 25th level without beating the challengeFixed a typo in the mixer tooltip when the mixer doesn't have enough inksFixed a spelling error on the Earring artifactsRenamed the Ancient Coin artifacts Disclaimer:Please be aware that changes and re-balancing to existing and future content will likely occur while I am trying to make the game as balanced and stable as possible. This is to provide you all with the most consistent and enjoyable overall experience, up until the game reaches its final version. Previous Updates: v1.1.2cv1.1.2-1.1.2bv1.1.1v1.1.0v1.0.7av1.0.7v1.0.6bv1.0.6v1.0.5cv1.0.4av1.0.4v1.0.3v1.0.2a (Also includes notes on v1.0.2 and v1.0.1) via /r/SquidInkIdle

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