Tuesday, November 20, 2018

some green bean joy!

so, i’ve been having a really tough time. i’ve only been working at starbucks for 3 months now ( my monthly anniversary was the 14th! ) and i wanted to quit for a majority of it. i am a full time pre-med and health unit coordinating student; i am SLAMMED at university. i was working up to 24 hours a week at starbucks too, so i’d come to work exhausted and barely functional from school. i’d make mistakes because of that and feel terrible for slowing my partners down, so i’d thought about quitting to focus on school and make it easier for my partners by putting in 3 weeks notice ( being generous with the third week to help them with training a green bean. ) my SM suggested reducing my hours to 12 and seeing how i felt because she didn’t want me to regret leaving.i stuck with it! however, 2 weeks into my new schedule? my uncle, who basically raised me when my dad stepped out, passed away in another country very suddenly. i called out an entire week to grieve.his funeral was last night and i called out, but i returned to work for a closing shift today. i was put on bar close, which i’ve only done with assistance when i was being trained, and spent my whole night on bar. i’d been on bar for maybe half an hour max until tonight. i did 3 hours on bar without freaking out tonight, while still in a rough place because of the funeral. i’ve been prone to panic attacks since losing my uncle and i started my shift really worried about having one on bar, but i ended up so confident and self assured on bar tonight. i sequenced right, i didn’t second guess myself with the recipes, i managed to talk to customers and make drinks at the same time. i got us out of the store exactly on schedule too!i’m just so proud of myself for sticking with it, even when life has been throwing me curveball after curveball. i’m starting to really love my job and feel confident about my ability to perform it. via /r/starbucks https://ift.tt/2OTHPcE

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