So today I hit a big milestone! Stepped on the scale for my weekly weigh in to find that I'm down almost 3.5 lbs for the week AND my BMI is out of the obesity range! I'm so glad I've been able to find a diet that has been relatively easy to stick to, as well as a community I can come to for info and motivation. It will make it so much easier to keep good eating habits once I make it to my goal weight.If anyone reading this happens to be struggling or is stagnating, just remember to keep powering through! Gave in to temptation when you saw that box of donuts someone brought to work? Hey, I did this very day! BUT! I only had one donut hole and walked away. As long as you keep it few and far between, don't beat yourself up and stress over knocking your body out of ketosis. At the end of the day, it's all about calories in, calories out.And if you're just finding this place and considering keto, seriously, just give it a try. So much info and support here. If you can't find what you're looking for, just ask (feel free to ask me directly!). There are so many delicious and simple to make recipes and as a Reesaholic I rarely find myself wanting for sugar anymore. And if I do, a Quest bar is in the pantry or just up the road at the grocery store.And just for one last push of motivation, I'll leave you with a couple pics(shirtless!) of what 4 months on this diet can do for you. Good luck! via /r/keto http://bit.ly/2EKg3gI
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