You have time to participate until 6/9 at 12 pm UTCNote\ To the already participants of the draw, it will now be the day 6/9 the principal reason is that the diffusion on the surveys wasn't pretty much successful, even so, I will try for one more week to reach more people to get a little bit more of information. I hope you can understand.*Note2\ those who already participate and have to wait for one more week will receive a 2k caps reward each of you.*If your name appears in this list you can claim your reward today from 20:00 Pacific Time (PT) until 03:00 (PT) or Monday onwards whenever you see this account online ezequielfw.To claim your reward please add ezequielfw in game.VextroaMutinyofthemindDarksableDrackar39Jasonray717alienfisterFighterDuckCAVMAN32rdemayo1clutchSaphyriceKnucks1337InfiniteTuba83Items to Draw:Two shot explosive Gauss rifleTwo shot explosive HandMadeTwo shot explosive Combat RifleTwo Shot explosive Combat shotgunQuadra explosive Lever action rifleTwo shot explosive Pump - action shotgunTwo Shot explosive50 cal machine gunExplosive Anti Armor 50 cal machine gunBloodied explosiveSERUM RECIPES 1 Of each5 Prize of 20k caps each.To participate in the draw full fill these surveys:Note3\ the 3 surveys must be complete to participate.*PREFIXES: http://bit.ly/2Xk5KqH effects: http://bit.ly/2EPcNRg effects: https://forms.gle/g2mSMcnjDh8i7L6J8DISCLAIMER:This draw is just for PC players only. Each winner must collect the price within 24hs or it will be re-drawed via /r/fo76 http://bit.ly/2XhuUGJ
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