Friday, April 24, 2020

Another try - looking for woody recipe

Hey guys,some time ago I've bought two dozen of aromachemicals in a spree, when decided to try out perfumery as a hobby (this is my thing, to rush into a new hobby, and then abandon it pretty quickly and move on to another thing). I don't remember what I based my choices on, but the fact is I ended up with mostly floral and fruity notes. Not so much I can build with that I fear. So, before abandoning this hobby completely and selling all my vials, I've decided to give it another go and supply myself with some woody, musk and amber notes to build decent base, and start from there.To avoid another disappointment, this time I want to try an already existing recipe - so it can give me that satisfaction and push forward. I thought, if I was starting cooking, I wouldn't mix random ingredients together, but try something promising, learn from recipes, maybe change something, and after some time - create something of my own.So I want to make an educated purchase. I would like to create some woody-spicy, with floral twist, ideally chypre family fragrance. I've found promising recipe: honestly most of the ingredients seem to be unavailable in EU.TGSC has a lot of demos, but browsing them is atrocious, and since they are patents, there is no description, impressions etc, so no base for me to make a choice.Do you have any verified, publicly available (eg. on TGSC) recipe, that fall into above description (or, anything on masculine side), and that would be satisfying to make (as a first nicely smelling fragrance)? Would be honestly grateful for any tested resources! via /r/DIYfragrance

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