Sunday, April 26, 2020

liposomal C

I'm trying to get my head around this:Liposomal Vitamin C (C wrapped in lecithin) is an expensive alternative to taking ascorbic acid powder.- It is believed that by putting the ascorbic acid into a liposomal encasement the body can tolerate more of it before one starts to get diaria and just flushes it out. They call it bowel tolerance levels.- you have to get up to large doses of ascorbic acid before that happens. Maybe 20gms a day?- studies I've found measuring C in the blood over time make it appear that 1gm of ascorbic acid vit C gets into the blood about the same as 1gm of Vit C in a liposomal C. The ascorbic acid goes in faster and peaks vs the liposomal that gets in slower and a little more sustained, but overall it's about the same area under the curve.I don't take that much ascorbic acid so I am wondering if that non diaria benefit of liposomal C is at all a factor considering that I take about 5 gms a day spaced out over 3 doses, way below bowel tolerance.I am making my own liposomal C per a recipe I've come across* to save on cost but still I am wondering if it is worth doing at all if the main benefit is for people taking very high (>20gms a day) doses of C, and I'm not one of them?Or is there something I am missing?*some people think that homemade liposomals are not the same as the expensive brands that come in packets but that is not the issue here. Regardless I am wondering if there is any other benefit to delivering the C via a liposomal encapsulation. via /r/Supplements

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