Monday, April 2, 2018

FMIL is starting to frustrate me.

SO this is my first post on here and reddit ever so please bear with me if I'm not too good at explaining things, ill try my best :)So a bit of background, I'm 22 and SO is also 22, we are both still at uni so we are still living with our parents. I stay over at his house very often, sometimes even joke about starting to pay rent. Anyway, his mum is starting to get on my nerves with all the little things she does. To hopefully make it quick to read ill just list some of the ones I remember:Only a small one but still annoying; me FMIL and SO put money towards a premium grand card (cinema membership), she put $30, me and SO both put $15 each. So not long after we got the card I asked SO if I could lend my family the card as they were going to the movies. FMIL was not going the movies until the next day so it was fine, so I lend my family the card and she finds out. this shouldn't be a problem but all of a sudden there is only one showing of a different movie that she wants to see (it was a weekend, last showings are always a Wednesday regardless of the movie) that just happened to be half an hour before the showing my family was going to watch. So I had to go home and tell my family they could not use the card that I also had ownership of so she could watch a movie that day and still go see one the next day??? After this, I found out that when SO told FMIL that I had also put money towards the card she rolled her eyes? I know it's not his fault but I made him pay me the money back since she made it clear it wasn't really mine too and put it towards one for my family. he was pissed at her but didn't say anything to her about it, whatever.SO and I found this really nice recipe that we liked, SO wanted to cook it for FMIL the way we like it because it tastes good. I was working that day so I came round and had some after they did. She added all these ingredients so it looked more like stew than a sausage curry and she made him get the expensive sausages even though they taste horrible in this recipe, she doesn't care. She then made him add all this unnecessary food to it, and you would not be able to tell that it was meant to be a curry and it tasted horrible. She asked what I thought once I finished it, and I honestly said I prefer it the way we did it, without all the extras, and that it didn't really taste like curry. Next time we make this recipe (I was there this time so nothing extra got added) and she asked which I preferred and I said, this one, it tastes a lot better with just the normal ingredients. She turns to SO and Said, "see I TOLD you not to add all that extra stuff". Excuse me? You're the one who added them don't try pass blame because I didn't like what you did with our recipe.She can't clean dishes for shit. I am not usually a clean freak, but when it comes to things I'm eating off or drinking from I'd rather it didn't still have pasta bits on it from three weeks ago or lipstick stains on my glass. Anyway getting to the point, my SO was about to cook and he notices some things FMIL washed up were still filthy, like seriously soggy food on most of the plates etc. She loses it (in front of me might I add) and yells "WELL NEXT TIME YOU WASH THEM THEN". Is it that hard to say "sorry I'll try to clean them properly next time"? (Its not like SO doesn't pull his weight, he probably cleans the dishes more than her)When SO was packing to go to Cambodia to do volunteer work for 2 months I thought it would be nice and cute if I put in a picture of us and one of me in his suitcase for him to look at while he was away. FMIL saw me do this (I can't remember when she said this to me or why we were alone) she told me "I put a picture of me in his suitcase too, an old one of me that I didn't like but kept because SO liked it so much." I'm sorry, I didn't realize we were in competition? I was trying to do something nice as his girlfriend. Is it just me or is it weird for his mother to do that after seeing me do it?There's more but that's all I can think of right question is, is this kind of behavior something that will turn her fully into a JNFMIL? I'm already NC with his dad due to him having no care for anyone's feelings but his own (FMIL and FFIL divorced when SO was about 5 so he's easy to avoid). SO does need to grow a spine but every time he tries to point out something she has done wrong she snaps and turns it around on him. I'm also worried about how she will treat my future children due to her being so passive aggressive towards her own son. I've already told SO contact will be supervised and FFIL will have no chance if he does not change. Hopefully, we will be moved out by the end of the year if all goes to plan. Seriously any advice would be great, we've been dating for just over 2.5 years and he is my first serious relationship so I'm still fairly new to the BF/GF game. via /r/JUSTNOMIL

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