Saturday, June 30, 2018

19/F wanting to meet new people

So I’m still new to this as someone suggested I try it out so here I am :) I’ve just been really bored lately and lonely so I would love to meet and chat with new people.Some of my interests include reading, baking, and sports. I love to read and I’m always looking for new books to read. Barnes & Noble is like my second home since I’m always buying books. I’m more of a romance and sci-fi/mystery kind of girl, but I am open to other genres.As for my love of baking, I learned everything I know from YouTube or those recipes on the back of mixes for cakes or cupcakes. I also like to experiment as well and my greatest achievement is probably mastering the French macaron.Lastly sports because I don’t know where I would be without it. I don’t play but I love to watch baseball and basketball. It’s become a part of me in a way and I just love watching it. People are usually surprised about how much I know regarding basketball and baseball considering I’m a girl.Well that’s pretty much it. Feel free to pm me if you’re interested in chatting. via /r/MakeNewFriendsHere

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