Saturday, June 30, 2018

Hitler Hunt for 6/29/2018

I found 127 Hitlers in r/Politics today.Maryland shooting: NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch said journalists 'need to be curb-stomped', in resurfaced footage"(Joseph Goebbels - Hitler’s minister for public enlightenment and propaganda)." - StonerMeditation"If you had a time machine, at what time would you go back to kill Hitler with enough confidence of his real harm and before it was impossibly too late." - txipper"The GOP's attacks on the press are straight from Hitler in the 30s." - mad-n-fla"Hitler was an energetic and skilled speaker, but two new technologies were exploited by the nazi political campaign: radio and the airplane." - emptynothing"As Silicon Valley Hitler Peter Thiel likes to put it: competition sucks." - monopixel"An excellent article, [Hitler's Voice](https://core." - needlzor"I want to add on to Hitler’s use of the airplane for propaganda purposes." - username12746"Also in regard to Hitler and things repeating: https://twitter." - flybypost"Ive often thought hitler rallies were the prelude to stadium rock concerts." - dgfjhryrt"Remember when comparing people to Hitler and Nazis would cause people to mock and ridicule you." - SongForPenny"You know, when you start comparing everyone and everything you don't like to Hitler, the word loses its effect." - Rivsmama"I cannot stress this enough, Hitler was for the nationalization and socialization of Germany." - Lofskrif"Ah yes, because Hitler was so supportive of private gun rights." - iwasthebeaver"We should appease Hitler." - howcanyousleepatnite"Trump is like Hitler, Dems are like Nazis, cops are like the Gestapo I know it's a low hanging fruit for a comparison but it's losing its effectiveness." - Ashleysdad123"From the 'godlike decent' of Hitler, to a fat orange guy in an airplane- the magic is just gone." - dogfriend"When you start comparing everyone and everything you don't like to Hitler, the word loses its effect." - JackMizel"On a related note, the Kochs who are spearheading corrupt right-wing government in the US inherited their father's business that provided oil to Hitler." - TeslaCoconut"Hitler ate sugar and had a dog that loved him." - Decon-III"(Don't watch the edited US version Hitler's Empire: The Post War Plan, it's not as good." - Willy_Faulkner"Fake news is an old hat, Hitler coined the term in the run up to ww2; ." - estprospero"Is the man who wants to do in the United States in an American way what Hitler did in Germany in a Prussian way." - nepenthegram"Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes." - WTF_ILoveRussiaNowThe suspicious business relationship between Trump and Justice Kennedy’s son"[You guys may also be interested in the ultra conservative hitler memorabilia collecting billionaire that bribes Clarence Thomas." - AbolishProsecute_ICE"[Donald Trump 'kept book of Adolf Hitler's speeches in his bedside cabinet' - The Independent](https://www." - hamsterkris"Hitler and George Washington are not the same." - SovietBozo"Literally Hitler's Corpse." - ThanksForTheF-ShackPoll: Nearly 70 Percent of Voters Don’t Want Roe v. Wade Overturned"We told you the literally hitler narrative was not going to work, and you doubled down on it." - ajjets10"Even if we do go with your view, look at Germany with Hitler." - CapnSpazz"Germany had literally hitler in charge not too long ago and they moved passed it to become one of, if not the most advanced country in the world." - BimmerJustin"When Obama was president right wingers were literally calling him the antichrist, and now left wingers are comparing Trump to Hitler." - tmntnyc"Funny how they didn't feel that way when Obama was President, and I guess when God picked Hitler to lead Germany and picked Churchill and Roosevelt to fight the war against him." - UpUpDnDnLRLRBACNN reporter shouts at Trump: 'Will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people?"Trump is Hitler." - UberPirate18E"Will the media stop comparing Trump to Hitler." - BergenCountyJC"They like to portray him as the Hitler-Satan love child even though he was a fellow card carrying NY Democrat for decades before entering politics." - BigUSAForever"Hitler liked German Shepherds, but they're still good doggos." - jajajaram"He makes comments and statements frequently that mimic historical dictators like Hitler." - Big_Goose"Oh, bonus points for the Hitler wasn't all bad bit, you've got to go softly softly when inserting hard right ideas, amirite." - ThumbSprain"I used Hitler as a metaphor for something that is bad, to me he is an archetype of that." - jajajaram"Was Hitler a president." - chezytPrank caller patched through to Trump on Air Force One"I imagine this is exactly how the conversation between Hitler and Himmler went before agreeing on the final solution." - -Clayburn"2015: How did Hitler get to power, anyway." - dumbposter25"Braindead Hitler wannabe." - electricblues42Rachel Maddow is right. There was no plan for reuniting families split at border"”**—Adolf Hitler." - StonerMeditation"DURRRR HURR HITLER ." - PM_ME_CAKE_RECIPES"I recommend you watch a couple speaches by Hitler ." - IllstudyYOU"Hitler consolidated power in 33." - 1000AirplanesObama: I told Trump to just rename Obamacare and take credit for it"It's like Hitler and art school all over again." - therandom83"Mtn Dew asked the internet for help naming their new drink and I recall the internet deciding on “Hitler did nothing wrong." - CrowdedCobraObama offers Democrats tough love ahead of midterms: 'Enough moping'"I'm pretty sure the elections of Hitler, Churchill, and Mandela will have more historical signifigance than this US midterm." - Putin"From DuPont to Henry Ford, IBM, and many on Wall Street, these guys backed Hitler's rise and funded the Third Reich." - chasjo"You really think the upcoming elections and/or the 2016 election was more important than that of the election of Hitler in Germany." - TadgerMcBadger"Thank fucking God btw, or who knows what Hitler would be up to right now." - umphish41"No, any new R candidate will just be the next version of literally Hitler to the left." - accio_sushi"Anyway, Trump is smart and savvy and the most influential person on Earth and he isn't Hitler." - Lifeinfoman"Hitler." - Manchurainprez"I don’t believe killing Hitler would’ve stopped WW2." - umphish41Maryland shooting: Trump ducks questions over Capital Gazette killings, as president's attacks on journalists come into focus"Hitler and the SS coined the phrase [lying press](https://en." - mad-n-fla"I note that wiki page has recently been edited 500 times and scrubbed free of references to Hitler's extensive usage of the phrase." - mad-n-flaIn 'Stunning Indictment', ICE Officers Call for Own Agency to Be Dissolved Amid Growing Outrage Over Immigration Policy"”**—Adolf Hitler." - StonerMeditationMexico asks United Nations to intervene on family separation by U.S."The left has been calling trump literally hitler for a dozen other things but all of a sudden this one is the one that’s the worst." - Hobbit316"Plus we played a major role in stopping some dude named Adolf Hitler, so there’s that." - jordanmindyou"He is no Adolf Hitler." - Claystead"These are literally the types of things Hitler said to get German citizens to hate the Jews." - MamaMAGA2"Regardless, it’s absurd to claim that we didn’t play a major part in helping to stop Hitler." - jordanmindyou"I'm just disputing the actual role the us really had in disposing Hitler." - Tffj"We're taught that we were the heroes of the world saving everyone from Hitler but would we have even entered if not for Pearl Harbor." - dorasucks"Don't get me wrong, they did quicken the end of war but, really their war was against japan rather than Nazism/Hitler." - Tffj"U played a major role in ending it but not in disposing hitler." - TffjRussian TV boasts about electing Trump ahead of summit with Putin"Just like when Hitler had his triumphant Paris tour." - biped4eyesKirsten Gillibrand Becomes First Sitting Senator to Call to Abolish ICE"Also, I'm not sure literally anyone left of Hitler uses the term leftist." - Bankster-"And didn't Hitler celebrate Christmas." - DrScientist812After Warning Congresswoman 'Be Careful,' Trump Has Yet to Denounce Lynching Threats Made Against Maxine Waters"Hitler never apologized." - Down_Voter_of_Cats"How did Hitler get away with his shit." - CapnSpazz"I feel like i should remember her doing that, but then again, we were all reminded a few days ago that we forgot about Trumps Hitler speech scandal back in 2016." - rizzlybear"I think Hitler would be proud of you, Mr Goebbels." - PuissantUltraThe plan to overturn Roe v. Wade at the Supreme Court is already in motion"But we lack the technology to see if a person will turn out to be Hitler 2, so we should leave it to the woman to decide if she wants it, and we should be able to give her that choice as safe as possible." - Ivankas_OrangeWaffle"Just because Hitler appealed to the Christain God in his speeches didn't make him or his ideology Christian in any way." - LookarussiantrollYoung political star Ocasio-Cortez: In a moral, wealthy society, 'no person in America should be too poor to live’"”**—Adolf Hitler." - StonerMeditationThe America We Thought We Knew Is Gone"People screech hyperbole and you're overreacting when comparisons of Nazis and Hitler come up and while I wouldn't say we're exactly at portraits of Hitler in every room just yet, it's not as if the US hasn't flirted with more or less authoritarian fascist tendencies over the course of it's history." - MelllvarHasThreeLs"Be/detail/video/rally-at-madison-square-garden-people-making-heil-hitler-nieuwsfootage/121954192)." - Thinking_waffle"Ya well, Hitler wasn’t blonde haired and blue eyed either." - Omateido"Every response is hitler, fascist, racist, and google it." - Veylis"Don't forget, Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler were all leftists." - jeff4952Did Anthony Kennedy’s son loan Donald Trump $1 billion?"Hitler." - SebastianJanssen"See Rome Hitler and all that." - WestnatorTrump isn’t telling the truth about illegal immigrants and crime. The public knows it."”**—Adolf Hitler." - StonerMeditation"Joseph Goebbels - Hitler’s minister for public enlightenment and propaganda." - StonerMeditationThe White House Is Becoming A Ghost Town. Trump Loyalists Worry It's Going To Get Worse."The rats are leaving Shitlers and Stephen Goebbels last stand." - bickering_fool"Best case trump ends up line Hoover, next and most likely he’s like a stupid Nixon and more unlikely but not out the question he ends up a dictator like Stalin or hitler." - Demshil4higherMaryland shooting: NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch said journalists 'need to be curb-stomped', in resurfaced footage"Even though he loves trump and hitler." - haydukelives999Democrats are acting like a bunch of cowering dandies. They need to grow a spine and throw some punches."What about the centrist democrats that are hoping to just skate through this election on grounds they are not literally Hitler trump." - salmonella_ella_ellaRepublicans Ready to Deploy Plan to Repeal Roe v. Wade"And you have Orange Hitler as president." - Nanocyborgasm“We’re seeing a creeping rise of autocracy”: Rob Reiner sounds the warning on Trump and truth"As Hitler is reported to have said,“What good fortune for those in power that people do not think." - spa22lurkSusan Sarandon Arrested at Protest Against Trump’s Immigration Policy: 'Keep Fighting'"It's like saying, 'Sorry, you can't help stop Hitler, because you voted for the NSDAP." - AHarshInquisitor"Is your position that people who helped hitler come to power indirectly or directly, can't lift a finger when they realized hitler was bad news." - AHarshInquisitorTed Cruz says to vote Democrat in Illinois race"But you know as well as I do that you'd be throwing up the Hitlergruß if more people in this country were doing it too." - MarvinLazerMelania Trump Asks Kids If They’ve ‘Made Friends’ in Immigration Facility"Blame Hitler, not the guards imprisoning people, huh." - raffters"The nazi guards at the camps shouldn't feel too guilty about anything they did, it was all hitlers fault." - ProtectTheFBIObama to Dems: ‘You are right to be concerned’ about Trump"If you had a time machine, at what time would you go back to kill Hitler with enough confidence of his potential harm and before it was impossibly too late." - txipperBill Deagle: Liberal Protesters Who Harass Conservatives Are 'Going To Get Death"Hitler thought the same." - CounterfeitCactus"At one point, he was asked in the interview if he would debate Hitler during his rise and on his position of the Holocaust and he said no." - PopcornInMyTeethWhite Supremacists’ Use of Campus Propaganda Is Soaring, Report Finds"You act like Nazi germany started at 100% when it started with an election of Hitler and ended with a brutal genocide a decade later." - CuwTed Cruz: ‘Vote for the Democrat’ over the GOP Nazi"I don't believe there were guys pioneering rocket technology and such and they just didn't realize what Hitler was up to." - CarbonLifeForm69It Is Happening Here, Trump Is Already Early-Stage Mussolini"Hitler had already been chancellor for 5 years before Kristallnacht." - slakmehl"This is just his graduation to early-stage Hitler." - randomnighmare"This is going to confuse the faction already committed to the Literally Hitler meme." - cchris_39"ICE is Gestapo and Trump is Hitler." - Wish_Bear"My current favorite is Hairplug Hitler, which some brilliant redditor came up with in another thread." - Minion_of_Cthulhu"I WILL bet though that his Presidential* Library** only has 2 books The Art of the Deal and The collected speeches of Hitler." - Wish_Bear"Focus on the rise of Mussolini and Hitler." - ReefOctopus"You’re suggesting that because trump and Hitler do not share the same history that he is not a fascist." - ReefOctopus"Hitler had already been chancellor for 5 years before Kristallnacht." - yeabutwhataboutthat"Learn what “Fascism” really is and then come talk to me, because there is literally no evidence of America even remotely becoming fascist like Mussolini’s Italy or Hitler’s Germany." - CookLoveQuit the EU for better trade deal, Trump reportedly told Macron"If you cannot identify the very fucking clear historical parallel between Trump's actions and Hitler's early years then, again, you're either wilfully ignorant or hopelessly ill informed." - shallow_noobUS Still Hasn't Received Soldiers' Remains from North Korea, Says Pompeo"I expected nothing less of a man who made his fortune in hotels and casinos, raped his wife in anger, had an affair with a porn star, kept a book of Hitler's speeches in his bedside, is the original author of the Look, having nuclear speech, owes money to Russian gangsters, doesn't pay his contractors, opened a scam university, was described by his ghost writer as a sociopath, and said: “When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same." - 141252363452Cops Arrested a Black Man. He Called Them Nazis, So He Was Charged With a Hate Crime."Sounds like that whole literally Hitler thing isn't working out." - too-much-to-thinkWe are organizers from the #OccupyICEPDX movement. Ask Us Anything!"There is no alternative without going full Hitler." - CounterfeitCactusPeople are slamming Fox News for reporting that the Maryland newspaper just targeted in a shooting doesn't have an ideological bent"This is just to try to humanize the problem a bit because they are all still humans after all, just like us, just like the Stalinists, just like the Nazis, just like tragically so many sympathetic German people during Hitler's reign." - loljustthiscommentIt sure looks like China’s preparing for a trade war with the US"Hitler was white, Stalin was white, etc." - SmallmammalIf You Think This Week Was Bad, Just Wait Till Next Week"That's how Hitler took power." - SkyClubbaJarrod W. Ramos: Capital Gazette shooting suspect had long-running feud with Maryland newspaper"And you get this, Trump is Hitler, or this new one, Trump is Osama." - AbuvTrump to Macron: Why Don't You Leave the European Union?"Literally Hitler speak." - agencydudeTrump promises historic economic growth..."Doesn't sound like Hitler at all /S." - ShowMeDiWheyFriday Fun Thread!"Everything is fine and believe it or not Trump isn't the next Hitler." - blasphemyblackDonald Trump's Federal Judge Selections Have Been the Most Mainstream Thing He's Done, Experts Say"For Hitler maybe ." - Acidporisu'People Need to Calm Down': Co-Chair of Women for Trump Receives Death Threats After CNN Appearance"I'm not saying people should be throwing out death threats against political opponents, but if some people in the Weimar Republic had decided their best option to prevent world war would have been to take out Hitler and his supporters, is that really irrational." - spilled_milksSieg Heil! I mean... Beep Boop, I am a robot.My purpose is to find and link comments in r/Politics that contain the word 'Hitler'Since my birth, I have found a total of 14583 Hitlers in r/Politics. On average, I found 81 Hitlers per day.Today, I read 50052 comments. In total, I have read 7515025 comments. via /r/TheHitlerFallacy

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