Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Want to try more advanced cooking for the first time (stir fry beef), but I need help figuring out a recipe with the ingredients I have. Looking for help.

As a complete beginner I have recently been wanting to try cooking things that take more than a few steps, so I decided on asian stir fry noodles and beef. I an hoping someone might be able to help me figure out what to add when and in what amounts, but I understand if I am asking too much and no one helps.Anyways, I haveteriyaki sauce that is a combination of sesame oil and gingersoy saucerice cooking winestir fry noodlestop round steak (2 big thin pieces, 1 lb total for both)a bag of frozen broccoli, carrots, and cauliflowerI wanted to get Mirin like I have read about, but I was only able to find the rice cooking wine so I hope it's a good enough substitute. If you know of anything cheap thats easy to find that would substantially help then I am willing to get it too.Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this. via /r/Cooking https://ift.tt/2JNBj9Y

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