Sunday, July 1, 2018

Day 32 Progress Pics

After moving to Tennessee in 2012, I really began spiraling out with my weight and have been fighting it constantly. I never really had the best diet but stayed active, but all that really did was just cancel the workout deficits out. I told myself I would give Keto a shot after Memorial Day weekend and happy to say I have gotten through almost my 5th week now and feel great! I went to the doctor Friday and I am anxious to see how my panel looks Monday. I have been following the Reddit 6 day meal plan pretty much with a couple experimental recipes on weekends that help mix things up. I am down 29 lbs as of this morning since starting Keto and I have lost over 50 total since I hit 330 when I first moved to Nashville. I am so thankful for this group and the information being shared daily!Start Weight Keto 307.8 Current 278.8 via /r/keto

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