Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Why chuds & right-wing boomers will be unable to resist empowering AOC and by extension the young democratic socialist left - a theory

The core of my idea here is that what's going on is really a classic example of a collective action problem.In addition to those on the left or center like Murtaza Hussain, 'Prison Paul' Watson and other conservative-to-far-right chud dipshits like Jacob Wohl have all come up with the same basic observation. The constant string of terminally lame or shitty and out of touch personal attacks on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are useless to the Right and typically just make her more visible, driving more news stories about her and causing her movement to gain steam. But they can't do anything about it (Paul Watson even wound up for his own terminally lame attack in the same tweet pointing out how stupid a tactic this was!) and these warnings go unheeded by their own side.Why? Because the right wing movement online (and frankly, to a large extent offline) is just a collection of unhinged maniacs, cynical grifters, and incredibly stupid boomers whose brains have been addled by racist Facebook memes and no longer live in our reality. To them, it's in their collective interest not to give free attention and positive national press to a charismatic young demsoc Congressional representative, who is building a movement to challenge not only the right but the crumbling centrist orthodoxy standing in the way of getting a clear shot at the reactionaries in power. Fortunately for us, the conservative coalition and its aforementioned groups are almost uniquely unable to resist wildly swinging at AOC and becoming the person who finally gets in a sick Twitter own.There are literally thousands of these people dying to make their Internet fame by being the first to not get swiftly and utterly humiliated by her, and none of them consider whether or not each successive failure makes her stronger because the individual incentive to have a go at it is so powerful. Even Ben "LOGIC and REASON" Shapiro and Charlie Kirk flamed out early which just ups the stakes for their legions of wannabes. They can't stop them from trying, but every third-rate hack who accuses her of owning a refrigerator or makes fun of her mac & cheese recipe or announces that she misspelled John Calhoun's middle name ("It's Caldwell, not Cadwell, you stupid socialist! OWNED!") is just driving huge amounts of sympathy for this extremely relatable lady and her good political causes.Anyway, it's going to continue indefinitely, and since AOC herself is extremely good at parrying the weird insults from creepy Boomers and turning the attention toward left political goals, we're going to continue benefiting indefinitely. In this it's very similar (although not nearly as big of a topic, of course) to how Trump rode the wave of ineffective and stupid liberal insults and hand-wringing op-eds to the Presidency: every journalist wanted to be the Woodward & Bernstein knockout piece writer who would force Trump to drop out of the race. It didn't happen but instead Trump enjoyed having 80% of the news media talk about him and his ideas nonstop for the entire election season.So here's to more dumb fucking out of touch rich conservative attempts to go after AOC. Another six months of this and she'll be able to pass Medicare for All single-handedly or something. via /r/ChapoTrapHouse https://ift.tt/2zi2IJE

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